Five Questions with Vlvt Jones

Where did the name Vlvt Jones come from?  
I couldn’t come up with a name. So my friend Amuro Rae, who’s also a dj, gave it to me. It’s from one of Eddie Murphy’s characters on Saturday Night Live, a pimp trying to sell a book he wrote called “I Wanna Be a Hoe”. I then shortened it to VLVT JONES.

Describe your sound and what has influenced you?
My mom and older brother ‘Spaz’ influenced me musically – my mom was disco and my brother was hip-hop – so it was only natural that my style evolved into a dance/hip-hop combo.

How did you select the songs for the mixtape?
The songs I chose were just plain dope, I’m all over the place with genres but the majority of the tracks I chose have an old school essence to them.

What’s your favorite thing about Miami?
Damn, Stumped me with this one. Ummm, pizza de chorizo from Rey’s pizza?

Your favorite venue to play? 
AS for venue, Grand Central before they knocked it down, easily. Amazing sound system, great roller discos.

Vlvt Jones

What do you have in the works next? 
I’m currently working on an EP with an amazing artist that goes by Mr. Alexis. The stuff we have is bonkers!

Listen to more on Soundcloud