Harmony Korine at Miami Beach Cinematheque
/photo courtesy MBC
On Thursday, August 25th, Miami Beach Cinematheque hosts the tenth edition of Speaking in Cinema with special guest, director Harmony Korine. The panel will include a talk of On the Edge a Paradise and special silent screening of the short film Trash Humpers, both by Harmony Korine.
Harmony Korine is a director of Gummo, Julien Donkey Boy, Mister Lonely, Trash Humpers, Kids, and Spring Breakers - which was set in Florida. The evening is hosted by Miami Jewish Film Festival director Igor Shteyrenberg who will moderate the panel.
Speaking in Cinema is a series presented by Miami Beach Cinematheque that takes an in-depth look at the intricacies of the art of filmmaking through talks led by local and visiting film critics. Past events have included director Brian De Palma, alongside numerous filmmakers, artists and international film specialists.
Thursday, August 25th | 8:00 pm
Miami Beach Cinematheque
1130 Washington Avenue | MIami Beach